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Thats Me!

 Thats Tea My Main Girl I Love Her Makeup

  Lia My Younger Sister Good Friend Too

 Shia My Other Main Girl!

EDMONTON!!! home town of Jill Hennessey Aka Jordan! Ya right like im going to give out my  real address for like stalkers and stuff like that...PEDS...!


The Contest Picture

Crossing Jordan Caption Contest

Im going to put a pic from a secene of crossing jordan up and the person with the best caption becomes crossingjordan #1 fan of the week! pictures will go up on mondays and the winner will be decided on tursday so really you have till next tursday till your over trown or if you keep your title! You can only submit once so make sure it dounts just email me at with the title at the top being Caption Contest I'll read it and keep the best ones #1 place is the right as CJ #1 Fan of the week!  #2 #3 place is an hounourary mention. Winnners will be contacted Via email and will then be posted. Good luck Photo posted Monday on this page and winners will be posted here!




Some Random Worker: *immense fart* Sorry had the Chili for lunch!

Jordan: Ok now i know what the gas mask is for...*gags*

My sister site Wolfy-Chan
(only on to compete)

